Submit a Guest Article

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Want to submit a contributed article or post?

We have several options for you to submit content for coverage:

  • [E-mail the story to our Story Editor]([Netspective%20Media] Story or Guest Article Submission Request) where they will evaluate the coverage
  • Sign up for an account at “The Healthcare Guys” and prepare a story for that site, which welcomes many different kinds of contributed articles that this blog does not.
  • Craft a high impact super insightful article for this blog at The Healthcare IT Guy

Still want to submit a guest article at this blog instead of

I’m an expert in many healthcare IT, security, and medical device architecture topics but I know there are thousands of other highly experienced engineers and technical leaders out there who know more than I do. That’s why I love getting requests to submit guest articles on all kinds of topics. Here’s a quick video overview on the kinds of guest articles we post:

What kinds of subjects should you write about?

If you have any technology subject area that you know well enough to give tips, techniques, advice, etc. without really selling a product or a company then I’d love to hear from you. It could be as little as 350 words all the way to 2,500 words or more if you have lots to say. No deadlines or anything – just get it to me when you have it.

Here is some general guidance:

  • The subject must be technical, not non-technical.
  • Pick a practical topic that many readers will care about, not some esoteric subject that only a small number of people care about
  • Make it advice-oriented, and actionable — not just news & views and pontification

Still not sure what to write about?

Take a look at some of the “Do’s and Don’ts” guest articles that others submitted — they are pretty popular because they are too the point and advice-oriented. Remember, we like heavily technical pieces that really talk about how to do things, not just general industry “consulting speak” talking about broad generalizations and such.

What kind of audience should you write for?

Our readers are mostly technology folks that are “in the trenches” and looking for technical solutions to healthcare problems. They are IT managers, clinical engineers, med techs, programmers, executives, and other experienced people looking for answers to technical questions. If you’re not writing for a deeply technical audience please don’t submit the article.

What should the guest postings look like?

For some examples, look at the other guest articles on my blog – as long as it’s suitable for a highly technical audience and will not look or read like an article that is so general that it would be suited for a newspaper, it will likely be published. Here are best kinds of guest postings:

  • Helpful how-to posts that teach something useful
  • New discoveries or case studies that show how an implementation in one place might work in another
  • Actionable news that tells people something they should do to help save time or get some work done

Your content needs to be:

  • Transparent – If you’re mentioning a service or product that you’re associated with, make it clear.
  • Balanced – No lopsided propaganda. Especially if you’re associated with something being mentioned
  • Well written – We will not accept poorly written posts or posts with bad grammar or non (PG) language.
  • Fresh – We will not accept posts that cover a topic we feel is over-talked about or over-done, or is too general

What kinds of articles should you NOT write?

The key is that my audience is a technology “implementation” group; they don’t like high level news and views that can be found in dozens of other sites. If your article reads like a news article or product announcement then you won’t want to submit that.

How do you submit a guest posting?

If you’ve got some advice to share, please submit a quick abstract to and I’ll give you a quick thumbs up / down.

What are the deadlines?

There are no deadlines, just send what you have when it’s ready.