Learn how to cut through the noise at the first ever Health IT Marketing Conference

John Lynn, prolific blogger and health IT media magnate, and I are teaming up to produce and deliver the world’s first marketing conference focused on helping innovators cut through the noise when trying to market their healthcare and medical tech products to physicians, hospitals, and similar customers. Called The Healthcare IT Marketing Conference, it will cover very important subjects by some of the world’s best experts on those topics. Learn how to align the Payers, Beneficiaries, and Users (PBU) of your Health IT or MedTech product

I’ll be leaving for HIMSS’14 on Saturday and plan to be around for meetings and sessions from Sunday through Wednesday. Here are some of the places I plan to be, catch me if you’re around: Sunday — covering the Venture Forum, CHIME, and special sessions. Heading to Susquehana Equity Capital cocktail party in the evening. Monday — covering a number of companies and speaking at two sessions, private dinner 3:30p speaking on Social Media and Influence at HIMSS Spot 4:30p speaking on data interoperability at SureScripts booth 2918 Tuesday — covering a number of companies and speaking at one session 11:00am speaking on Developer Platforms for Next Generation Healthcare Apps, room 209C 6:00pm hosting the New Media Meetup with John Lynn Wednesday — numerous meetings and events, finalizing coverage of companies  

John Lynn and I are hosting the 5th Annual New Media Meetup next week at the HIMSS Conference. This year’s HIMSS tradition is sponsored by Stericycle Communication Solutions. Thanks to Stericycle’s generous participation, John and I can host, quench the thirst of, and feed our New Media friends at Tommy Bahama Pointe, just a short walk from the convention center. We’ve come a long way from our first “meet the bloggers” event in Atlanta and we’re thrilled to have this “wooden anniversary” of the New Media Meetup which has expanded well beyond just bloggers.

Last week I presented the closing keynote at the Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD&M) West Conference & Exhibition in Los Angeles. MD&M has always been about what’s next in medical device design and this year’s event didn’t disappoint. While still being primarily focused on hardware, many smart device manufacturers came out to MD&M looking for advice on next generation architecture and thinking so that they could point their product roadmaps in the right direction.

I was watching the Super Bowl tonight and lost interest after Bruno Mars’ very nice halftime concert so I started picking up some “Read it Later” articles I saved late last year; one specifically caught my eye. In December the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that Avon is pulling the plug on a $125 million software system rollout which “has been in the works for four years after a test of the system in Canada drove away many of the salespeople who fuel the door-to-door cosmetics company’s revenue”.

We’re all familiar with the idea that medicine is, slowly but surely, going from a paper-native to a digital-native industry. Most of our processes and procedures were designed in an environment where information started on paper and then was either scanned as a PDF document or entered into a structured electronic record in some software. Our current processes assume that if our software systems ever failed, we have paper records and could continue standard medical care without the electronic versions for a period of time.

I’ve often said that Meaningful Use and the HITECH Act created false demand for EHRs and has (perhaps irrevocably) harmed innovation in the EHR space by standardizing features and function rather than outcomes and expectations. It’s a false demand because it concentrated too much on prescriptive, sometimes useless, and in many cases productivity-killing, functionality instead of focusing on what’s really needed — data interoperability and fostering innovation. John Halamka wrote something similar recently in his Advice to the new ONC chief (highlights in red below are mine, not John’s):

This past Friday I was invited by the Patient Privacy Rights (PPR) Foundation to lead a discussion about privacy and EHRs. The discussion, entitled “Fact vs. Fiction: Best Privacy Practices for EHRs in the Cloud,” addressed patient privacy concerns and potential solutions for doctors working with EHRs. While we are all somewhat disturbed by the slow erosion of privacy in all aspects of our digital lives, the rather rapid loss of patient privacy around health data is especially unnerving because healthcare is so near and dear to us all.

Events such as the annual HIMSS Conference take months to plan and properly execute which means that some topics and subject areas that are being covered at the conference might not be as timely as they could be. Also, event planners and selection committees choosing topics for keynotes and presentations do a pretty good job at picking the sessions they think will be the most widely applicable to a large audience.

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